ESL 5301-002
Campus Carry & Issues
Thank you for filling out our
1. ___ Male ___ Female
2. How would you describe
your background?
___ from Texas ___ from USA, not Texas ___
international, not from USA
3. Tell us more; check as appropriate
___ from Lubbock ___ from a small town ___ grew up on a ranch or
___ from a large city ___ from a suburb ___ grew up in
many places
4. How do you describe your
role at TTU?
___ Undergrad <21 ___ Undergrad 21 & over ___
____ Graduate/PhD
___ Faculty ___
non-Fac. employee
5. Which party do you
identify with?
___ Republican ___
Democrat ___ other
(specify) ___ independent/NA
6. Were there guns in the
home you grew up in?
___ Yes ____ No
7. Have you ever fired a gun?
___ Yes ___ No
8. Do you have a gun now?
___ Yes ___
9. Do you smoke?
___ yes ___ no
10. Are you aware of the new
concealed carry laws on campus?
___ Yes ___ No
11. For every thousand people
on this campus at this moment, how many more do you think will be armed once
this new regulation is in effect (say, after a year)?
____ 0-50 ___ 50-100 ___
100-200` ___>200
12. Will you get a gun and/or
carry on campus when you are allowed to?
___ Yes ___ No
13. If you have a gun, will you
use it on a campus shooter?
___ Yes ___ No
14. Do you feel you could
handle a gun well under pressure?
___ Yes ___ No
15. In the case of a mass
shooting, will more guns make us safer?
___ Yes ___ No
___ Yes ___ No
16. Are you more likely to
carry a gun, if you know that more people are carrying guns?
___ Yes ___ No
17. Do you think women are
safer if they carry guns?
___ Yes ___ No
___ Yes ___ No
18. Would you want your wife,
husband, sister, brother, son or daughter to carry a gun on campus?
___ Yes ___
19. Which places do you feel
it is appropriate to allow guns to be carried? (check as many as you wish)
___ classrooms ___ dormitory ___ student center ___ none
___ faculty offices ___ recreation center ___ dorm cafeteria
20. Can you name some places
where guns should NOT be allowed?
21. Do you think a taser can
be a substitute for allowing gun carry on campus?
___ Yes ___
22. Do you have any feelings
about your friends carrying guns?
___ don’t mind, like it ___ prefer they don’t ___ no feeling
23. Which of the following do
you feel is best?
___ carrying a gun ___ carrying mace ____ carrying a taser
___ not carrying a weapon
24. How do you feel if you
find out a classmate is carrying a gun?
___ safer ___ doesn’t
bother me ___ more
nervous in general
___ in danger/unable to
concentrate ___
suspicious ___ no
___ other (tell)
25. Do you think concealed
gun carry permission will make the campus safer overall?
___ Yes ___ No
26. Which college are you in?
College of Agricultural Sciences & Natural Resources
College of Architecture
College of Arts & Sciences
Jerry S. Rawls College of Business Administration
College of Education
Edward E. Whitacre Jr. College of Engineering
Honors College
__ College
of Human Sciences
College of Media & Communication
College of Visual & Performing Arts
School of Law
Worldwide eLearning
(Please specify)
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